Thursday, September 29, 2011

Starting my journey

Today I have finally seen what I have become, and now it is time for me to do something about it. I went to the Doctors yesterday and I weighed in at 217 lbs. When I checked the bmi calculator in the office I am just a few lbs away from being considered morbidly obese. I am 23 I want to have a family, but at the weight I am at right now and with the pcos that can not happen until I take better care of myself. For years I was always ashamed of my body and looking back weighing 150 lbs was nothing to be ashamed of.
           Once I got my license I went and tried to comfort myself with fast food which was the biggest mistake of my life. All throughout High School I was tormented for being the "fat girl" and after a while you start to believe all of the garbage people say about you, and instead of talking to someone and getting help I turned to fast food, and all it did was turn on me. I guess in a way fast food was my best friend. It did not judge me, it did not care what I looked like, it was just that one thing to cheer me up when I was down. I don't even want to know what I have spent at McDonalds and Wendys over the past 6 or 7 years :-(
           And though it all I have a wonderful boyfriend who has in my mind put up with me and my weight since we were 16 years old. In 6 years you should be comfortable enough with someone for them to know every aspect of who you are, and I am still holding who I am inside. He would love to see me in dresses and other things most 23 year old women wear, but my daily wardrobe is usually jeans and a t-shirt, even in the summer. I just can't get past being fat and having my jiggly arms show in a dress or tank top, hell I can't even remember the last time I wore a pair of shorts.
          Now it is time for me to take control I know it is going to be a long and hard process but I have finally hit rock bottom with my life and I know I can make a change! I am praying that by Christmas I will be down at least 20 lbs. I am going to update a few days a week and do weigh-ins on Sunday's. I hope whomever sees this blog will join me in my journey to lose weight and the discovering of who I can truly be. (First weigh in will be Sunday October 9th) Pictures will start on the next weigh in!


  1. You can do it. You sound a lot like me. I'm also 23 and have PCOS. My starting weight was 230 lbs..Yuck! Then about a month ago I got as determined as you are and right now I'm 223.6 as of last Saturday. I weigh in live on youtube that way I can document the journey. I know you can do this because if I can do it so can you :) I haven't worn shorts either and I'm always in clothes are baggy on me so I don't think about my weight. I'm here for any support you might need!! You can find my journey on youtube on the channel miahs_angel I can't wait to watch you get to where you want to be!! We can do this cyster <3

  2. Thank you so much! I am for sure going to follow you on youtube :-) Best of luck to you
